If you are a late-diagnosed neurodivergent individual (self-diagnosis is valid), then you may be seeking support in implementing new tools and ways of managing your life.
When first going down the rabbit hole of understanding your own neurodivergence, or perhaps just that your brain works a different way to how you initially thought (we don’t all resonate with labels), it’s a tangled web of trying to find the right box you fit in to best describe your experience and what you need. I don’t believe we neatly fit into predefined boxes. That’s why I offer a 100% personalised approach and can support you to work with your brain, not against it.
When we meet, we’ll do a thorough deep dive into your understanding of yourself and your needs. We’ll identify specific support areas and collaboratively create a personalised plan focused on the tools and strategies you truly need, not those others think you should use.
Support includes:
- Energy Management: Burnout, time management, routines
- Daily Living Skills: Household responsibilities, shopping, meal planning, financial planning
- Navigation & Independence: Public transport, independent living strategies
- Professional Development: Career planning, workplace communication and self employment time management
- Personal Well-being: Sensory regulation, social anxiety management, relationship building and boundary setting
- Academic & Work Strategies: Deadline management, healthy boundaries
- Neurodivergent Experience: If you are comfortable using the language, working on growing an understanding of how this shows up for you
You can work with me for as little or as long as you like.
I offer a two options as people may have different needs around frequency or cost. Both include an introductory session lasting around 45 minutes.
Option 1 is for those that are seeking support but may need a lower cost option. This is £175 per month and includes:
- 1 x 50-minute coaching session
- 1 x weekly check in via email
- Personalised action plans/worksheets (max 2 per month)
- Access to all existing resources and worksheets
- Monthly goal setting and review
- Free attendance to the monthly support group
Option 2 is the one I would recommend as it is helpful for progress to have a session every two weeks. This is £250 per month and incudes:
- 2 x 50-minute coaching sessions
- 1 x weekly check in via email
- Personalised action plans/worksheets (max 3 per month)
- Access to all existing resources and worksheets
- Monthly goal setting and review
- Free attendance to the monthly support group
Additional Support Options:
- Need an extra coaching session? Additional 50-minute sessions available at £100
- Require more email support? Extra weekly email support (max 250 words) available at £30 per email
- These can be added to either package based on your needs
- Please note: Additional support is subject to availability and should be arranged in advance
If you would like to get in touch to see if this feels like the right fit for you, please email me at info@leighwhittakertherapy.co.uk